The goal of Tide`s Senior program is to develop skills, speed and endurance to succeed.
The Senior Group has two levels that cover the Train to Train, Train to Compete, and Compete to Win levels of the Swimming Canada’s (SNC) Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) strategy. As such the two groups cover a range of LTAD zones with a range of training needs, however, there are common themes of continued skill refinement and training. The group will work together with coaching staff; a team effort to achieving success for both individuals and team. Please note that although the SNC LTAD splits defines specific zones of development, athlete development is a continuum. Also, coaching duties will be shared between Tide staff, however, Tide’s Senior programme has been designed, developed, and will be delivered under direct control of the Head Coach.
Senior National Group
The Senior National group is for swimmers competing in provincial, Atlantic, and National competitions. in this group are expected to be motivated, committed to improving skills and performance, and dedicated to creating a strong sense of team pride with all club members. The Senior National Group is expected to participate in the dryland program and attend all meets when qualifications have been obtained.
The senior group is a reflection of the stages “Train to Train”, “Train to Compete” and “Compete to Win” in Swim Canada's Long Term Athlete Development Strategy (LTAD). To swim at this level, subject to the coach’s discretion, swimmers must have been a senior for 1 year and hold a minimum of three SNB 16+ AA times.