Program Information

New this season! TIDE is partnering with the FitSwim program, to ensure that those athletes wishing to participate in Masters Meets over the course of the season will be able to participate as a registered TIDE Swim Team Masters Swimmer. The fee for this program includes your SwimNB Masters Fee, as well as an administrative fee to the TIDE Swim Team for management and coordination with SwimNB.

The FitSwim group has been training at the CGAC indepedently for several years, with swimmers within their group running their practices. TIDE is not currently responsible for the coaching, training plans, schedule or structure. The participants in this program include Masters Swimmers, triathletes, people trying to improve stroke technique and former swimmers getting back into swimming shape.

If you're looking for a group of supportive and encouraging, like-minded people, then FitSwim might be for you. Swimmers are required to be members of the CGAC in order to participate. Those who would like to participate in Masters Swim meets will need to register with TIDE, and pay the additional fee as described above.

If you would like additional information on the program, please see the front desk at the CGAC for contact information.